
Chris Thompson

Heroic Errors

The film that I created was one that was rather problematic, whilst my love for superhero films was great and there was a great deal of analysing superhero films. The film creation process consisted of some troubling and some long thinking on what was required to plan such a film. Experimentation, photos and rethinking on my experience with superhero films into a giant blob of consistency, which was quite interesting and not too difficult to do, as you further recognize their conformity to the genre. The plot and script are where things got quite difficult, a lot of my plot was not feasible, and my script sounded incredibly blatant with large paragraphs mostly pointed out by the actors of pure confusion and a lack of belief of the film hinting any form of seriousness. Storyboarding was translating the script into something tangible to further assist and form itself into a shot list. Filming was a grand lesson in organisation. Whilst the film most entirely did not suit a vision, I would have of a film Iā€™d would have enjoyed myself, it was an interesting lesson and knowledge that things that are unfeasible cannot simply be made feasible on the day, such as adding a balcony on your house that does not exist. The film was filmed in a manner that partially satisfied what I wanted to get done.


Daniel Nickless