
Daniel Nickless


This folio was built around an idea I’d been workshopping for a while. It was simply a heist performed using time travel. For most of this year, this short film was the focus of my research, pre-production, making it all the way up until the day before production 

I then scrapped it and made something else.

With the pandemic suddenly getting worse, I had to switch gears spontaneously to account for a lockdown that came out of nowhere. My original idea was completely unrealistic to achieve with one person in a house, forcing me to make something else entirely within a couple of weeks based on the barebones concept; a heist performed using time travel. 

This folio is quite literally nearly a year’s worth of work for a different, unmade short film. Definitely an interesting experience. You could probably make a short film about the folio itself honestly. 


Chris Thompson


Elly Asdagi